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Book Editing

Professional Book Editing Services for Self-Published Authors

Book editors ensure that your writing is compelling and fluent, in addition to checking that your dots and commas are in the right places. The best method to ensure that your book is flawless before it is published is to spend money on editing services from a reputable company. For authors looking for high-quality book editing or eBook editing services at a reasonable cost.

Expert language editors can turn texts into books with a native-English tone that are clear, grammatically sound, and publication-ready with the help of editors who have been hand-selected and trained for their attention to detail. Our language editors are also subject-matter specialists, so they will make sure that any terminology or grammatical constructions used in your work are accurate.
Do you have any concerns regarding the safety of your unpublished work? Our language editors and subject matter experts sign a non-disclosure agreement in addition to a secure online submission mechanism since we understand your worry. One of our guiding principles is complete confidentiality. To protect your interests, we are also happy to sign a confidentiality agreement with you.
Worried about revisions? We can get things done by editing several times. Your manuscript can be reviewed several times for a price that works for you. When you have taken our editor's advice into consideration and want us to perform one more check before submitting to the publication, we advise using this service.
Are there any parts of your book that you're unsure need attention or quality changes? Our editors and customer care specialists will direct you and suggest services that meet your specific needs. Your manuscript has clearly taken a lot of work, and we don't think that proofreading it will do it justice. We prefer to provide services that include developmental, substantive, copyediting, and proofreading. By doing this, you can be confident that your book will effectively reach its intended readership.
Traditional authors in every genre who have been published traditionally work with our elite network of editors. Self-published authors now have the chance to collaborate with NYT bestselling book editors directly.
Have you already taken the first in the right direction by writing your first draft? Amazing! Don't know how to polish your manuscript for publication? Invest in our exclusive editing service to tune your sentences into an error-free published book.

  • Professional Editors For Each Genre
  • 12+ Years Of Experience In Editing Services
  • Complete Ownership Of All Rights And Royalties


Correct sentence structure, consistent spelling, and punctuation are just a few of the minute aspects that copy editing attends to. Technical errors will be examined during copy editing. The most affordable type of editing is copyediting. The copyeditor, also known as a copy editor, carefully looks for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in your text. They don't examine the layout, page numbers, and headings the way a proofreader would. Additionally, they don't require the text's original printed form. Copyeditors don't merely scan for awkward language and obvious mistakes. These experts look for minor grammar errors that even native English speakers miss.
Some professionals distinguish between copyediting, which is a lighter, grammar-only edit, and line editing, which is a more thorough examination of each sentence's meaning. To be certain, always discuss the details of your editor's copyedit with them. Copy editing is often done by our editors for a variety of clientele. They read the entire document and corrected any grammar, diction, and sentence structure errors. They also look at conversation transitions, numerical usage, character descriptions, and capitalization.

Line editing

Line editing focuses more on small adjustments than on large ones. This is editing for style, for example. It covers verbiage, prose, realistic dialogue, character dialect, and grammar. Line editing will improve a piece's wording, but it won't alter the events that take place. Your manuscript will be edited line by line by a line editor, who will literally read your entire manuscript line by line. A line editor will pay particular attention to how sentences are put together, how much power they contain or lack, the quality of dialogue lines, etc.
Copyediting and line editing are terms that are frequently used interchangeably. However, when it is distinct from copyediting, it alludes to a special edit whose level of severity lies between that of copyediting and that of developmental editing. When line editing, the editor examines each sentence in your manuscript line by line. The editor takes into account a sentence's impact and meaning as well as word choice. The editor takes syntax into account and decides whether or not to shorten or tighten a sentence. Your prose will sing when you use line editing.

Developmental Editing

Like most edits, developmental edits take place during the revision process. This type of substantive editing involves going through the entire text to look for issues with the plot, character arcs, general plot, consistency, etc. You could redo the entire thing, condense, enlarge, delete, or rearrange the chapters. You should have a plan for developing adjustments after reading critiques. This edit aims to strengthen the work as a whole and concentrates on key components like the overall plot and character development. When developmental edits are made, the editor's interaction with the writer is centered on notes rather than the editor making the changes on their own. Typically, the developmental editor will read the entire manuscript and make suggestions for changes or issues.
The developmental editor carefully examines a book's structure and content. Take a broad view. The editor takes into account tempo, characters, point of view, tense, storyline, subplots, and dialogue, among other things. Weak linkages are identified and analyzed. The editor carefully examines consistency, flow, and order. Is this the appropriate number of chapters, for example? Is the sequence of the chapters and paragraphs correct? Is the book pacing inconsistent at any points? Is the data or narrative presented accurate? Can you relate to the characters? Developmental editing takes into account every element of a manuscript that contributes to the book's readability and enjoyment. This type of editing requires more time and money because it is so thorough. However, if you are committed to being a successful author, it is worth the cost.


The final stage of editing, known as proof editing or proofreading, is carried out with the manuscript's finalized version. The correct person must be hired to proofread your document because this is the last stage of editing. The format, spelling, grammar, consistency, and typos will all be checked for by a proofreader, who will also check for clarity and basic grammar errors. Prior to the document being published, this is your last opportunity to make changes. To guarantee that errors are found and corrected during this type of edit, new eyes are essential. The process of proofreading involves looking over the work for any last-minute mistakes or inconsistencies that might have slipped through earlier edits.
A light edit called proofreading is intended to be the last polish before publication. A crucial component of the publishing industry is the proofreader. Before publishing, they review the finalized product and give it one more read-through. They specialize in blatant errors in language, punctuation, formatting, and quality. Proofreaders are trained to spot layout problems, including unnecessary spaces, incorrect page numbers, and bylines that are missing. Before sending the manuscript to the publishing house, the entire document is read through once as part of the proofreading process.

Book Reviews - Editorial Assessment

You want to make sure that your book is as strong as it can be before submitting it to traditional publishers or literary agents. It can be extremely irritating and time-consuming to finish a manuscript only to learn that it contains significant plot holes, forcing you to go back and essentially rewrite large sections of the novel. A lot of time and work may be saved by having an editorial assessment after the initial phases of composition, and the overall quality of the book will be considerably greater.
The first level of editing, the editorial evaluation, provides broad criticism of your work. You don't get rewrites or comments from editors. You'll receive a letter instead that focuses on the big picture. The developmental and copyeditor's jobs will be much simpler later as a result of this pre-editing work. Before contacting agencies, it also determines whether your book is already in good shape.

Children’s Book Editing

Children's book editing is different from editing any other kind of book. You must approach everything from a child's perspective. Although the universe seems far more intriguing to an adult, it is a test of the author's imaginative ability and comprehension of kids in that particular age group. We offer pediatric psychologists the literary training necessary to elevate a book to a top pick among readers.
Your book needs to be spot-on with all the ideas that matter to the targeted age range. Hire a qualified children's book editor here to acquire suggestions that add personality and turn a typically uninteresting book into a hit with young readers.
Whether you need picture books, chapter books, middle-grade novels, or young adult books, We can provide you with professional children's book editorial services.

Magic Happens Through Professional Editing

Confused if your word choices are right for the theme of the chapter? Our editors can help.

Clients Feedback

Excellent editorial services were given by them I was able to narrow down the kind of service I wanted from their vast pool of editors. Despite the fact that I must have read my document numerous times, my copy editor found over 10,000 small mistakes! This demonstrates how simple it is to work closely on your project and emphasizes the value of working with an editor. I am confident that, as a result of our collaboration, my book is not only better than it was but also better than I could have ever created it on my own.


It was a pleasure to work with them. They've collaborated on numerous publications together over the years and have established themselves as trustworthy, accommodating, and talented. Each editor was succinct and perceptive, providing me with a helpful feedback that really helped me elevate my work. My editor's hybrid developmental/line edited utterly beyond my expectations and astounded me. He had such a thorough comprehension of my story that I felt completely comfortable implementing all of his modifications. I learned many really valuable novel-building lessons from working with their editor that I may apply to my upcoming books.


We appreciate the tenacious assistance of their team, particularly Linda, who assisted us in putting this jigsaw puzzle of interviews together. Your writing is as lovely as your soul. We greatly benefit from their staff of knowledgeable editors, and we wholeheartedly endorse their services to any author or publisher seeking specialized editing assistance with a well-organized workflow. Without a doubt, we believe that if it weren't them and their editors, our book wouldn't have been as popular. Nobody should think about publishing without getting their work edited professionally.

Mr. & Mrs. Jose

They did an outstanding job editing my book. They're excellent. I recently assigned them a challenging editing task with a 48-hour deadline; they got started right away and finished it in only two hours. They provided excellent feedback with thorough editing and proofreading. In response to my follow-up inquiries, they provided concise and thorough replies. They are quite competent. When I sent it to them, the transcript was actually quite sloppy. He gave me a much better version than I could have produced on my own. Their services are highly recommended!


It has truly been a pleasure working with them. They are prompt in responding and have good communication, and the criticism they offered of my paper will be very useful as I finish the next draft. As a first-time novelist, it's been wonderful to collaborate with someone who is truly knowledgeable in the field and who can not only assist with my editing needs but also offer insightful commentary on the entire novel publishing process. They handled the fact that I had consistently committed mistakes throughout my book gracefully. You'll be happy you hired them since these guys are really good at what they do! Highly recommended!


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We take the satisfaction of our reader to the next level with our editing services

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